
Just sponsor LACEF 2021

21 October 2021

Just exhibited at the LACEF (The Local Authority Civil Enforcement Forum) Conference on Thursday 21st October.

LACEF gives an opportunity to various stakeholders to knowledge share and improve. Just were proud to sponsor and exhibit at this year's conference, helping the industry after such a difficult period. Our Chief Operating Officer Natalie Tate and Director of Client Development Victoria Oliver attended.

Natalie summarised the day with: "It was great to hear from several different people and organisations today about the progressive steps they are taking in the world of civil enforcement. The use of data has dominated the agenda today and it is encouraging to see some companies investing in both data and analytics to optimise both the collections strategies but to also safeguard the most vulnerable in society.

The industry moving towards a more intelligent and nuanced approach can only be considered a good thing.

Raising standards across the industry was another strong theme, with further details announced about the future plans for the Enforcement Conduct Authority. Still broadly on paper, it’s interesting to hear their recruitment plans and their plans for both independence and introducing much needed great standards in the industry.  

Finally, a brilliant opportunity to see so many small and medium sized enforcement organisations out at LACEF! Lots of current partners, and hopefully future ones – all demonstrating their growth aspirations, investment in their businesses and desire to add competition to the industry."